Saturday, April 4, 2015

COPE training opportunities

This is a forwarded message from our Council COPE committee. With the Council now having it's own portable climbing wall, it's very important that we get as many volunteers in the District trained as we can so that we can make the most use of the asset we now have. If you are interested in the training, see below and please let myself, Dominick or Joe (District Key 3) know so that we can keep track of who in the District we have trained.  Thanks for all you do!

Scouters and Venturers!

In a two weeks and a few days, we'll be holding a COPE instructor training session.
Time is running out to get registered! We really need to get adults trained to support the program we're going to have (year-round COPE, sessions for the public, etc.).

We'll start Friday night (17 Apr), go all day Saturday, and end on Sunday by noon.
The main objective for this session is to train people to be Level 2 Instructors. Ideally, you've done Level 1 training and would like to get to the next level (which would enable you to open an NCAC course). If you haven't and still want it, we are planning to have follow-up courses and assessments to get you there.

We GUARANTEE you'll learn something you'll be glad to take back to your units, your friends, and others.

Why do we say that? Because it's what EVERY graduate has told us.
Cost is $50 includes cabin lodging, all meals, and materials.
On-line registration and more details are at: 

Tony Waisanen, PhD
Climbing/COPE Committee Chairman & Program Manager
National Capital Area Council
Springfield, VA
(202) 810-5843 (voice/text) 

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